At Ivy Prestige, we recognize the immense potential Korean students have and the dedication they pour into achieving their academic dreams. We know that embarking on the journey to study abroad is both an exciting and transformative experience. As you prepare to step into the global academic arena, we are here to guide you with personalized support, crafted specifically for your unique aspirations. Our team is committed to creating a welcoming environment that feels like home, while providing professional expertise and insights tailored to your needs. Whether you’re aiming to showcase your talents through standout applications or seeking tailored guidance for your academic and extracurricular journey, Ivy Prestige is here to ensure your success every step of the way.
당신의 꿈을 현실로 만드는 글로벌 입시 전문 서비스. 아이비 프레스티지는 한국 학생들이 세계 최고의 대학에 입학할 수 있도록 맞춤형 입시 전략과 전문 지도를 제공합니다. 성공적인 유학의 첫걸음을 저희와 함께 시작하세요.
Many Korean students and their families are grappling with the escalating costs of tuition and living abroad. This financial pressure can force students to reconsider their study plans.
With limited spots for international students in top-tier universities, especially in popular programs like STEM, competition is fierce. This makes it hard for many Korean students to distinguish themselves.
Transitioning from Korea’s exam-centric education system to a holistic evaluation system can be daunting. Many students struggle to meet the expectations of Western institutions, which value creativity, critical thinking, and leadership.
Transitioning from Korea’s exam-centric education system to a holistic evaluation system can be daunting. Many students struggle to meet the expectations of Western institutions, which value creativity, critical thinking, and leadership.
Each component of the application is vital, and many Korean students need guidance in perfecting their essays, recommendation letters, and interview skills.
With changing visa policies and restrictions on working hours, Korean students often struggle to manage their financial needs through part-time work while staying compliant with visa regulations.
Our ScholarMatch™ Report identifies scholarship opportunities that not only help secure financial aid but also strategically enhance your profile. This report analyzes how obtaining financial support improves your admissions chances, turning financial aid into a competitive advantage.
The Ivy Match™ Report provides a detailed analysis of your profile, recommending universities where you are most competitive. Additionally, we analyze your current chances of admission, ensuring that you apply to schools where your profile will stand out
Our IvyAcademic™ program evaluates your academic performance and its current impact on your admissions chances. We offer strategies to enhance both your grades and competitiveness in the admissions process, ensuring a smooth transition into a holistic evaluation system.
Our IvyFit™ Cultural and Academic Adaptation Program focuses on preparing students for cultural and social integration. We provide personalized support to help you navigate cultural differences and academic expectations abroad
TEST TESTe personalized support to help you navigate cultural differences and academic expectations abroad
Our Global Mobility and Employment Guidance ensures students fully understand the visa requirements of their destination country. We provide advice on managing work-study balances and help maximize legal working opportunities.
수천 개의 꿈이 실현되었습니다. 수백 명의 학생들이 세계 최고의 대학에 입학했습니다. 저희의 전문적인 지도가 한국 학생들이 글로벌 명문 대학에 합격하도록 어떻게 도왔는지 확인하세요. 곧 이어질 입학 성과를 확인해보세요.